School / Eco - Council
Welcome to Newbottle Primary Academy's School and Eco - Council Webpage. This page will tell you about our council and some of the ideas we have. As a class councillor or eco-council we have to go to meetings, make suggestions and decisions as well as being involved in projects that the school council / eco- council runs.
This year so far we have:
- Elected new members for our student and eco-council..
- Taken part in the Houghton Feast Carnival Parade.
- Attended an anti-bullying convention.
Aims for the future:
- Get better playground equipment
- Set up a suggestion box
- Improve our school gardens
- Run a travel safety campaign
- Reduce the amount of paper we use in school and encourage people to recycle.
- Make posters to remind people to turn off the taps in the toilets.
- Take part in 'The Big Tidy' up to gather up all of the litter at the back of the school field next to the fence.
- Organise non-uniform / dressing up / fun days e.g Red Nose Day, Children in Need or World Book Day.
- Have a bring and buy sale so people can recycle their old books and toys and raise money for the school.
- Help to organise a school fair.
Eco- Council
The eco-council care for our school environment. We help others to follow our eco-code such as putting litter in the bin, turning off taps and lights and not leaving the computers on stand by. We monitor our energy use in class and encourage teachers and children to recycle.